ADOPTED June 4, 2008, AMENDED June 2018, AMENDED October 2010,
UPDATED December-January 2019-2020.

The Delectable Mountains Quilt Guild (DMQG) is a voluntary membership organization dedicated to quilting. It is governed by the officers, also called the Executive Committee, elected by the membership.
DMQG is a Special Interest Group of West Virginia University's Continuing Education Outreach Service (CEOS). As such, it shares the goals of Adult Education, Leadership Training, Support of the Community and accepts all the monetary, procedural and organizational responsibilities. In return, DMQG enjoys certain membership and administrative support. For tax purposes DMQG is a 501(c)3.

The name of this guild shall be Delectable Mountains Quilt Guild, a not-for-profit organization, referred to in this document as the Guild or by its initials DMQG.

The purpose of this Guild shall be to develop interest in the art of quilting, encourage philanthropic quilting for benefit of the community, provide fellowship and, primarily, educational quilting opportunities through programs and workshops.

A.   Membership in the Guild is open to anyone age 18 or older who is interested in the purposes of the organization. Such individuals shall be admitted to membership upon payment of yearly dues and signing the West Virginia CEOS Member Code of Conduct. Dues should be paid in January but no later than the 2nd meeting in February. New members joining after November 1 shall be considered paid through the upcoming year.
B.   Active members are defined as those who participate in and support the activities and projects of the Guild and who have paid their dues by the date of the 2nd meeting in February each year.
C.   Honorary Members are decided by the Executive Committee and not required to participate in annual activities.
D.   Visitors are welcome to attend two (2) meetings within a calendar year. They must pay dues and join on the third (3rd) visit within a calendar year.
E.   An appropriate fee may be charged visitors and members for special mailings, meetings and workshops. Such fees are to be established by the officers and committee chairs.

A.   The officers of the Guild shall be President, Night Vice President, Day Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and be elected by the membership of the guild at the first meeting in September of each election year. These officers and a past officer shall constitute the Executive Committee.
B.   The Executive Committee shall provide issue resolution, when necessary, and present such resolution to the membership at large, calling for a vote when appropriate.
C.   The officers shall serve a two-year term, commencing at the last meeting in December.
D.   No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms in an office unless approved by the majority vote of the members.
E.   Vacancies in unexpired terms of office shall be filled by appointment of willing individuals. Such appointments shall be made by consensus of the remaining officers, with the exception of the position of President. Should the Presidency become vacant, a Vice President selected shall become interim President and serve until the next election. A new Vice President shall be appointed to replace the remainder of the term of the Vice President who became President.

A.   The President shall be responsible for preparing meeting agendas, conducting regular monthly meetings, chairing the Executive Committee and attending other committee meetings as an ex officio member. The President shall also perform or delegate other duties as needed, such as assuring the meeting place secure and in good order, shall see that all Chair and Director duties are fulfilled and these bylaws are followed. The President shall serve as the point of contact within the community. 
B.   The Vice Presidents / Program Coordinators shall be responsible for meeting programs and workshops and may form committees to assist. They shall assist the President as necessary. A Vice President shall preside over general meetings in the absence of the President.
C.   The Secretary shall keep minutes of all monthly meetings of the Guild and shall maintain permanent records of all meetings of the Guild, including, but not limited to, such minutes. A synopsis of said minutes shall be printed in the newsletter each month. The secretary shall check the Post Office Box on a weekly basis or delegate the duty. The secretary shall send appropriate cards and letters to members who need "Sunshine." 
D.   The Treasurer shall receive and bank all Guild monies, disburse funds as authorized by the officers and maintain records of all funds including those received from Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS at the Extension Office). A complete report shall be made in writing in the monthly newsletter. The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, shall prepare the proposed budget for the upcoming year and shall present it at the January meeting. The Treasurer shall present the books for review if requested and work with appointed chairs and directors for events. At the end of each term an informal audit shall be arranged. The Treasurer shall maintain a current list of paid members and keep it updated. One other officer, usually the President, shall be signatory on bank accounts along with the Treasurer.

A.   A nominating committee composed of three to five members shall be announced by the Executive Committee in June of each election year. 
B.   The Nominating Committee shall (select) recruit a slate of officers and announce it to the membership in the September newsletter. The slate shall include: President, Night Vice President, Day Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
C.   The Nominating Committee Chairman shall present the slate and call for a vote at the first meetings in September of each election year. Nominations may be made from the floor, but members making nominations shall have received permission of the nominee prior to making a floor nomination.
D.   A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of total members present at any regular meeting. Votes from the daytime and evening meetings shall be combined to determine the final result.

Yearly, the Committees of the Guild, Committee Chairs and Directors shall be determined by the Executive Committee, as needed. The Executive Committee shall be kept informed of the committee activities as they are developed. The following committees and directors listed in Article VIII and IX are currently determined to be needed. Each Committee chair and Director shall be responsible for the creation of a binder, if none exists, or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget. These binders shall be updated and kept in the library. Volunteer assistants / members can be added. Where possible, an assistant shall be trained to take over leadership the following year.

The quilt show committee shall consist of a Chair, Quilt Show Curator, Boutique Chair, Publicity / Marketing Chair, White Glove Chair, Program / Classes Chair, Reception plus chair assistant(s) and shall work with the web site administrator. This committee shall organize the Guild's Annual Quilt Show: preparing, installing, overseeing and closing. 
The Chairman and the Curator shall obtain and complete, for the President's signature, the documents necessary to hang the show (at the Morgan Arts Council Ice House). Requirements required by Morgan Arts Council for the curator shall be adhered to. 
The Committee Chair shall create a binder, if none exists or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget. Volunteer assistants and additional members, can be added as needed. 

This committee shall have a Chair and co-chair. Volunteer assistants and additional members, as needed. Duties include presenting prospective beneficiaries for membership vote, soliciting local businesses or hanging sites, collecting donated quilts that are 36 inches square, ordering maps and posters of quilts, and working with the web site administrator during auction period. This committee shall conduct all activities of the auction. Volunteer assistants and additional members, can be added as needed. Committee Director (Chair), shall create a binder, if none exists. or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.  

This committee shall have a Chair, or co-chairs, as needed. Volunteer assistants and additional members can be added, as needed. Committee chair shall create a binder, if none exists, or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.

This committee shall have a Chair, or co-chairs, as needed. Volunteer assistants and additional members, as needed. This committee shall attend regular meetings of the Morgan County Fair / EXPO and shall report back to the Executive Committee and keep the membership informed as to its activities. The committee shall be responsible for raffle tickets and sales, promotion, staffing, activities in quilt room, set up and take down of quilt room. The committee shall also be responsible for the creation of the next year's Guild Raffle Quilt. Volunteer assistants and additional members can be added as needed. Committee chair shall create a binder, if none exists. or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.

This committee shall have a Chair, and co-chairs, as needed . This committee shall procure a site at the Apple Butter Festival, held on Saturday and Sunday each Columbus Day Weekend. It shall arrange for set up and take down of tent, display of that year's Guild Raffle Quilt and tickets. Volunteer assistants and additional members can be added, as needed. Committee chair shall create a binder, if none exists, or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.

This position shall produce a newsletter monthly. The Director is invited to attend Executive Committee meetings. Volunteer members can be added if needed. Director shall create a binder, if none exists. or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.
This position shall create or maintain, expand and update the current websites: and Volunteer members can be added if needed. Director shall create a binder, if none exists, or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.. 
This position shall be responsible for maintaining the Guild Library, purchasing books and weeding out old, unused or unwanted books, as needed. Shall keep previous years' binders, pertinent current materials and a digital archive of Guild's activities. Volunteer members can be added if needed. Director shall create a binder, if none exists, or maintain a binder that contains job descriptions, forms, timelines and budget.
D.   Other committees and Directors shall be established on an as-needed basis.

These Bylaws shall be amended, revised, updated or repealed by a simple majority of total members present at any regular meeting after having been published in the newsletter one month in advance of voting. 
Minor changes, corrections and omissions can be changed by the Executive Committee without a full membership vote.

Policies and Procedures (details) not covered in these bylaws shall be prepared separately, changed or updated as needed. These shall be prepared by the Executive Committee with input from the membership, but, as guidelines, will require an informal vote of approval.

Parliamentary procedures shall adhere to those rules published in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order (RROR), but only when actions that require voting on major issues are conducted. 

In the event of a decision to dissolve the Guild, the net assets of the organization shall be distributed to an organization whose purposes are similar to this Guild. No funds shall revert to the benefit of an individual member.