Elected Officers
President: Cheryl Rink
Vice President: Lisa Rainey
Evening Vice President: Cindy Kellerher
Treasurer: Jenny Garrison
Secretary: Darlene Narango
Volunteer Officers / Committee Chairmen
Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Rink
Quilt Show: Katie Thompson
Yard Square Quilts: Denise Mears and Lisa Perry
Expo: Open
Sunshine: Carolyn Taylor
Website: Darlene Narango
Historian: Susannah Kipp
Basic / Beginner Teacher: Dottie O'Toole
Library: Carmen Winiarski
Our name comes from the book "Pilgrims Progress" by John Bunyan that was written in 1678. In the book, when the hero begins to approach his goal, he sees an idyllic place called the Delectable Mountains. It is an analogy for a place of peace and security. It is further described as "....a country with woods, vineyards, fruits of all sorts, flowers also, with springs and fountains..." which sounds exactly like Morgan County.
The Delectable Mountains Quilt Guild in Berkeley Springs, WV started 40 years ago on November 9, 1981 when Liz Burton called several people who had an interest in quilting.
Subsequently, an organizational meeting was held at Joanne Moulden's home. It was during that meeting that it was decided to form a chapter entitled Delectable Mountains Quilters. At this meeting the National Quilting Association philosophy was discussed. It was decided to meet in members' homes on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month between 1 - 3 pm. Suzanne Offutt was selected as the first chairperson.
On November 28, 1981, the Executive Committee of the National Quilter's Association presented Official Charter Chapter (#136) to Delectable Mountains Quilters. On December 7, 1981 Grace Grant and Irene Clark had made arrangements with the Seventh Day Adventist Church to become the regular meeting place. The first group project was a simple square; the group traced patterns onto fabric, cut and began piecing!
A major change was made on July 2016 with a request by Gail Chilcote to become affiliated with West Virginia Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS), a program that is under West Virginia University. The primary CEOS purpose is to strengthen families, to promote lifelong learning, leadership development and community involvement. In order to vote members must be in good financial standing and have signed the CEOS Member Code of conduct.The Morgan County Extension Office, as West Virginia University's representative, provides many services for DMQG of which we are thankfully appreciative. Included are insurance, some programs, fiduciary, and other administrative responsibilities.
1982 -A Blue Ribbon for the Best New Exhibit at the Apple Butter Festival in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
1912 -Spotlight Guild - Our guild was honored to be designated the "Spotlight on the Guild" at the West Virginia Quilters Festival Show in Summerville, West Virginia, June 21-23, 2012.
2008-2009 Certificate of Appreciation:
For providing quilts for the children of fallen
soldiers during Operation Freedom:
1st Brigade, 26th Infantry Regiment and
3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division,
Fort Hood, Texas