Elected Officers
            President: Cheryl Rink
            Vice President: Lisa Rainey
            Evening Vice President: Cindy Kellerher
            Treasurer: Jenny Garrison
            Secretary: Darlene Narango

    Volunteer Officers / Committee Chairmen
            Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Rink
            Quilt Show: Katie Thompson
            Yard Square Quilts: Denise Mears and Lisa Perry
            Expo: Open
            Sunshine: Carolyn Taylor
            Website: Darlene Narango
            Historian: Susannah Kipp
            Basic / Beginner Teacher: Dottie O'Toole
            Library:  Carmen Winiarski

    Our name comes from the book "Pilgrims Progress" by John Bunyan that was written in 1678.  Ithe book, when the hero begins to approach his goal, he sees an idyllic place called the Delectable Mountains. It is an analogy for a place of peace and security. It is further described as  "....a country with  woods, vineyards, fruits of all sorts, flowers also, with springs and fountains..." which sounds exactly like Morgan County.

    The Delectable Mountains Quilt Guild in Berkeley Springs, WV started 40 years ago on November 9, 1981 when Liz Burton called several people who had an interest in quilting. 
    Subsequently, an organizational meeting was held at Joanne Moulden's home. It was during that meeting that it was decided to form a chapter entitled Delectable Mountains Quilters. At this meeting the National Quilting Association philosophy was discussed. It was decided to meet in members' homes on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month between 1 - 3 pm. Suzanne Offutt was selected as the first chairperson. 
    On November 28, 1981, the Executive Committee of the National Quilter's Association presented Official Charter Chapter (#136) to Delectable Mountains Quilters. On December 7, 1981 Grace Grant and Irene Clark had made arrangements with the Seventh Day Adventist Church to become the regular meeting place. The first group project was a simple square; the group traced patterns onto fabric, cut and began piecing!
    A major change was made on July 2016 with a request by Gail Chilcote to become affiliated with  West Virginia Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS), a program that is under West Virginia University. The primary CEOS purpose is to strengthen families, to promote lifelong learning, leadership development and community involvement. In order to vote   members must be in good financial standing and have signed the CEOS Member Code of conduct.The Morgan County Extension Office, as West Virginia University's representative, provides many services for DMQG of which we are thankfully appreciative. Included are insurance, some programs,  fiduciary, and other administrative responsibilities.

        1982 -A Blue Ribbon for the Best New Exhibit at the Apple Butter Festival in             Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
        1912 -Spotlight Guild - Our guild was honored to be designated the "Spotlight             on the Guild" at the West Virginia Quilters Festival Show in Summerville,             West Virginia, June 21-23, 2012.
        2008-2009 Certificate of Appreciation: 
            For providing quilts for the children of fallen 
            soldiers during Operation Freedom:
            1st Brigade, 26th Infantry Regiment and
            3rd Brigade, 1st  Infantry Division,
            Fort Hood, Texas


    The Delectable Mountains Quilters  brought together old and new quilts from Morgan County for public display at the Apple Butter Festival. The first quilt show was scheduled at Frances Asbury Church Hall, October 9 - 11, 1982.  The quilts were displayed during the festival hours on Saturday and Sunday and continued on Monday. The show featured 62 traditional and contemporary examples of Morgan County's quilting heritage  -  all of them recruited and approved by chapter members.
The quilts ranged from familiar names like Lone Star, Grandmother's Flower Garden, Irish Chain,  and Log Cabin to a contemporary piece entitled Asymmetry by Sandy Campbell. A special feature was  a quilt by Joanne Moulden, "French Bouquet," which won Best of Show at the National Quilt Association show. Fourteen of the displays featured quilts dating back to the 1800s.  The oldest quilt was a full-size appliqued "Rose of Sharon" dated  Oct. 26, 1850 and made by E. J. Keller.  The second oldest quilt was a full-size appliqued sampler made in early 1854 by the great-great grandmother of Lamita Ruppenthal Chewing, a native of Morgan County.


    This all began in 2005. Jane Frenke  had been visiting friends in upstate New York where businesses in a small town displayed yard square quilts, which were then auctioned to raise funds for a local cause. She saw the possibilities and brought the concept back to Berkeley Springs. At the time Marilyn Moser was our President. She also saw the possibilities of this being a great beginning of something big for our guild. So she ran with it!  The first auction included 26 quilts. Since then, there have been 45 quilts or more per auction to raise over $10o,ooo for local charities over the past 20 years. The charities write letters asking to be chosen  for the next auction. The guild members vote to choose a charity and then we are off and running.  The quilts are displayed in  various shops and businesses throughout the town from mid July until the auction. It will give you plenty of time to look at the quilts and decide which one you must take home with you. The auction is now held on the Saturday before Labor Day  at 2:00 pm at Berkeley Springs State Park. It is a live auction and a lot of fun when there is a bidding war. 

    At present our membership is 60 plus. Our dues are $20 per year.

    Our newsletter, covering meetings and other activities, is published and emailed monthly.

        First and Third Wednesdays
        11 am to 3 pm
        First and Third Mondays
        5:30 pm to 8 pm
        Night meetings are held at the Morgan
           County Extension Office
        Day meetings are held at the
        American Legion (use side door)
        527 N Washington St (Rt 522)
        Berkeley Springs, 
        West Virginia 25411

   Weekly: Every Monday and Wednesday
        10 am to 2 pm
        179 Rock Ford Road
        Great Cacapon, West Virginia             25422
Call - 814/889-1326 to let us know you're coming.


In keeping with our name, we use the traditional Delectable Mountains Block. This block has been used by quilters as far back as 1834, according to quilts we have found. It is versatile and appears in many different forms from basic to contemporary.